irqbalance用于优化中断分配,它会自动收集系统数据以分析使用模式,并依据系统负载状况将工作状态置于 Performance mode 或 Power-save mode。处于Performance mode 时,irqbalance 会将中断尽可能均匀地分发给各个 CPU core,以充分利用 CPU 多核,提升性能。
处于Power-save mode 时,irqbalance 会将中断集中分配给第一个 CPU,以保证其它空闲 CPU 的睡眠时间,降低能耗。
# service irqbalance status
irqbalance (pid PID) is running…
# service irqbalance stop
Stopping irqbalance: [ OK ]
# chkconfig irqbalance off
SMP IRQ Affinity 相关东西可以参见 这篇文章
SMP affinity is controlled by manipulating files in the /proc/irq/ directory.
In /proc/irq/ are directories that correspond to the IRQs present on your
system (not all IRQs may be available). In each of these directories is
the “smp_affinity” file, and this is where we will work our magic.
说白了就是往/proc/irq/N/smp_affinity文件写入你希望的亲缘的CPU的mask码! 关于如何手工设置中断亲缘性,请参见我之前的博文: 这里 这里
接着普及下概念,我们再来看下CPU的拓扑结构,首先看下Intel CPU的各个部件之间的关系:

一个NUMA node包括一个或者多个Socket,以及与之相连的local memory。一个多核的Socket有多个Core。如果CPU支持HT,OS还会把这个Core看成 2个Logical Processor。
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通常我们需要了解系统的CPU拓扑结构,内存使用情况,各种CPU性能计数器的数字,各种CPU Cache的使用情况,命中率等等信息,这些信息有效的结合在一起才能准确的分析出我们程序的缺陷,从而找到更好的优化点。 通常这些信息是散落在系统的各个地方,对于普通的开发人员很难汇总起来,形成合力。

Likwid项目的地址在这里。 根据主页的上的描述:
Likwid stands for Like I knew what I am doing. This project contributes easy to use command line tools for Linux to support programmers in developing high performance multi threaded programs.
It contains the following tools:
likwid-topology: Show the thread and cache topology
likwid-perfctr: Measure hardware performance counters on Intel and AMD processors
likwid-features: Show and Toggle hardware prefetch control bits on Intel Core 2 processors
likwid-pin: Pin your threaded application without touching your code (supports pthreads, Intel OpenMP and gcc OpenMP)
likwid-bench: Benchmarking framework allowing rapid prototyping of threaded assembly kernels
likwid-mpirun: Script enabling simple and flexible pinning of MPI and MPI/threaded hybrid applications
likwid-perfscope: Frontend for likwid-perfctr timeline mode. Allows live plotting of performance metrics.
likwid-powermeter: Tool for accessing RAPL counters and query Turbo mode steps on Intel processor.
likwid-memsweeper: Tool to cleanup ccNUMA memory domains.
Likwid stands out because:
No kernel patching, any vanilla linux 2.6 or newer kernel works
Transparent, always clear which events are chosen, event tags have the same naming as in documentation
Lightweight, LIKWID tries to add no overhead and keeps out of your way.
Easy to use, simple to build, no need to touch your code, configurable from outside. Clear CLI interface.
Multiplatform, likwid supports Intel and AMD processors
Up to date, likwid tries to fully support new processors as soon as possible
Extensible, you can add functionality by means of simple text files
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在做多核程序的时候(比如Erlang程序),我们需要了解cpu的拓扑结构, 了解logic CPU和物理的CPU的映射关系,以及了解CPU的内部的硬件参数,比如说
L1,L2 cache的大小等信息。
Linux下的/proc/cpuinfo提供了相应的信息,但是比较不全面。 /sys/devices/system/cpu/也提供了topology结构但是比较难解读。
[admin@my174 cpu-topology]$ ./cpu_topology64.out
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