
Archive for February, 2014


February 27th, 2014 4 comments

原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自系统技术非业余研究

本文链接地址: cowboy-高性能简洁的erlang版web框架

大部分的分布式系统只要有业务价值,必须提供如API,监控,管理界面等等,而http是目前事实上的标准,换句话说分布式系统必须提供强大的web框架,编写业务才能容易上手。 Erlang系统第一天就是设计干这个的,自然有很多web框架,出名的如mochiweb, cowboy,chicagoboss, misultin,inets等框架,竞争也是非常激烈。今天我要推荐的是新秀:cowboy,项目在这里


Cowboy is a small, fast and modular HTTP server written in Erlang.


Cowboy aims to provide a complete HTTP stack in a small code base. It is optimized for low latency and low memory usage, in part because it uses binary strings.

Cowboy provides routing capabilities, selectively dispatching requests to handlers written in Erlang.

Because it uses Ranch for managing connections, Cowboy can easily be embedded in any other application.

No parameterized module. No process dictionary. Clean Erlang code.

目前还支持websocket和spdy协议(由leofs赞助),是个完整的http协议栈实现,功能强劲。由于是最近才发展起来的,充分考虑了性能,强调代码的整洁,作者在产品层面对erlang的优缺点非常了解,实现的很优雅很高效。 目前多个项目都是用它支撑的,也反过来刺激它走的很稳很快,代码维护也很活跃,比如竞争对手misultin感觉没有超越的希望就放弃了。

Misultin development has been discontinued.

There currently are three main webserver libraries which basically do similar things:
* Mochiweb
* Cowboy
* Misultin
Mochiweb has been around the block for a while and it’s proven solid in production, I can only recommend it for all basic webserver needs you might have. Cowboy has a very interesting approach since it allows to use multiple TCP and UDP protocols on top of a common acceptor pool. It is a very modern approach, is very actively maintained and many projects are starting to be built around it.




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Categories: Erlang探索, 源码分析 Tags: , ,


February 27th, 2014 6 comments

原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自系统技术非业余研究

本文链接地址: Recon-Erlang线上系统诊断工具

Erlang系统素以稳定可靠闻名,但是它也是c实现的,也是要管理比如内存,锁等等复杂的事情,也会出现Crash,而且crash的时候大部分原因是因为内存问题。为此erlang运行期提供了强大的自省机制,帮忙用户诊断问题。自省机制过于强大,而且大部分的信息是散落在各处的,不是太资深的用户很难总体把握,而且线上系统读取这些信息的时候,也要考虑对系统的影响。 这时候recon来帮忙了, 源码在这里


Recon wants to be a set of tools usable in production to diagnose Erlang problems or inspect production environment safely.

它的作者Ferd就是 Learn You Some Erlang for great good! 书的作者(中文版我在翻译)参见:
Ferd同学素以讲解事情深入简出为最大特点,思路特别清晰,目前就职于Heroku, 负责开发logplex项目,而Recon就是在运维logplex时候吃自己狗粮的时候的产物,参见这篇文章的描述,非常有技术含量的分析,特别的分析了erlang内存分配器的工作原理,如何观察,提高内存分配率。

回到Recon, 它的文档非常清晰,见这里


Main module, contains basic functionality to interact with the recon application. It includes functions to gather information about processes and the general state of the virtual machine, ports, and OTP behaviours running in the node. It also includes a few functions to facilitate RPC calls with distributed Erlang nodes.

Regroups useful functionality used by recon when dealing with data from the node. Would be an interesting place to look if you were looking to extend Recon’s functionality

Regroups functions to deal with Erlang’s memory allocators, or particularly, to try to present the allocator data in a way that makes it simpler to discover the presence of possible problems.

和一系列脚本用于在发生crashdump的时候帮助用户分析到原因, 设计的时候充分考虑到了对系统的最小影响,在线上使用是很安全的。

其中最有价值的是 recon_alloc, 基本上把内存分配器的细节和复杂都屏蔽起来,用户可以很好的看到内存工作的效率.

allocators (1)



注: Recon新版本Provides production-safe tracing facilities, to dig into the execution of programs and function calls as they are running. 参见 这里

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Categories: Erlang探索, 源码分析 Tags:

Erlang R17新特性浅评

February 26th, 2014 1 comment

原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自系统技术非业余研究

本文链接地址: Erlang R17新特性浅评

Erlang R17RC2 源码已经就绪, 参见 这里
后续版本的发布时间,官方的时间安排参见 这里,摘抄如下:

Preliminary dates for the upcoming release:
Release: erts, emu,comp |Code stop |Documentation stop |Release Date

17.0-rc2 2014-02-21 2014-02-21 2014-02-21 2014-02-26
17.0 2014-03-10 2014-03-17 2014-03-19 2014-03-26

We will focus the time between 17.0-rc2 and 17.0 on bug fixes, improvements, and testing. Therefore you are most welcome to submit patches regarding such issues and we will try our best to include them before 17.0 is released.
Especially bugs introduced in 17.0-rcX.

R17 release note在 这里,闪亮点摘抄如下:

Maps, a new dictionary data type (experimental) 支持map数据结构,这是语言层面很大的变化,除了虚拟机和编译器的支持外,外围工具如debugger,profiler, ei, dialyzer等整个体系都需要大幅改变支持。

The {active, N} socket option for TCP, UDP, and SCTP 参看这篇:inet驱动新增加{active,N} socket选项

A new (optional) scheduler utilization balancing mechanism 这个特性改变了原来调度器full or not(在调度器用满之前,不会再用新的调度器)的特点, 添加了一种调度器之间利用率尽量平衡的调度算法。参见这篇:R17新的调度策略+sub

Migration of memory carriers has been enabled by default on all ERTS internal memory allocators 内存carriers在不同的调度器之间会互相迁移,提高内存的利用率。

Increased garbage collection tenure rate 垃圾回收更友好,同时异步化

Experimental “dirty schedulers” functionality 参见
Erlang/OTP 17.0-rc1 新引入的”脏调度器”浅析 引入的原因 例证NIF使用的误区

Funs can now be given names 参考:Erlang R16B03发布,R17已发力

Miscellaneous unicode support enhancements 全线支持unicode

A new, semantic version scheme for OTP and its applications 版本号管理更细致。

总体来看,VM的变化更多向着异步化和高性能(内存使用效率、CPU调度效率)的方向快速前进,系统也越来越强健, 一年一个大版本也很快。


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Categories: Erlang探索, 源码分析 Tags: