Erlang supervisor规格的dynamic行为分析
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本文链接地址: Erlang supervisor规格的dynamic行为分析
init({MainSupRef, Port, OptionsTcp, AcceptorsPoolsize, RecvTimeout, SocketMode, CustomOpts}) ->
?LOG_DEBUG(“starting listening ~p socket with options ~p on port ~p”, [SocketMode, OptionsTcp, Port]),
case misultin_socket:listen(Port, OptionsTcp, SocketMode) of
{ok, ListenSocket} ->
Acceptors = [
{{acceptor, N}, {misultin_acceptor, start_link, [MainSupRef, ListenSocket, Port, RecvTimeout, SocketMode, CustomOpts]},
permanent, brutal_kill, worker, dynamic}
|| N ],
{ok, {{one_for_one, 5, 10}, Acceptors}};我不明白的就是为什么是dynamic,我查看supervisor文档,文档上写只有gen_event才应该是dynamic,而这里misultin_acceptor这个进程是使用proc_lib:spawn_link产生的。我在proc_lib的文档中也没有发现这里为什么应该使用dynamic。请您指教。
我们从 supervisor的 文档开始,可以看到supervisor规格书的定义:
This is the type definition of a child specification:
child_spec() = {Id,StartFunc,Restart,Shutdown,Type,Modules}
Id = term()
StartFunc = {M,F,A}
M = F = atom()
A = [term()]
Restart = permanent | transient | temporary
Shutdown = brutal_kill | int()>=0 | infinity
Type = worker | supervisor
Modules = [Module] | dynamic
Module = atom()
Modules is used by the release handler during code replacement to determine which processes are using a certain module. As a rule of thumb Modules should be a list with one element [Module], where Module is the callback module, if the child process is a supervisor, gen_server or gen_fsm. If the child process is an event manager (gen_event) with a dynamic set of callback modules, Modules should be dynamic. See OTP Design Principles for more information about release handling.
而且进一步翻看Supervisor Behaviour 文档, 里面也写了:
Modules should be a list with one element [Module], where Module is the name of the callback module, if the child process is a supervisor, gen_server or gen_fsm. If the child process is a gen_event, Modules should be dynamic.
在正常情况下,被监督的进程如果死掉了,supervisor会根据规格重新启动进程或者做出相应的行动。 但是翻看了supervisor.erl所有的代码也没发现dynamic有什么特殊作用: one_for_one模式下permanent类型的进程出错,supervisor只是负责重新启动,其他的也没做啥。
起先我想不通,但是后来我想到了这个信息可能和release handler的代码热升级有关系。 在热升级的时候,针对supervisor管理的进程,需要知道它是由那个模块apply执行的。 这样才能在模块代码发生变更的时候,好判断出该进程是否要做点升级的准备。 所以规格书不仅仅是给supervisor模块用的,也给release handler模块用。其中的modules部分就是描述那些模块和这个进程有关系。 对于gen_server, gen_fsm behaviour的模块来讲, 它的进程由只有它自己spawn_link来的,所以很好理解填规格的时候,模块部分填他自己就好。 但是gen_event这样的模块,由于一个事件通常会注册好几个模块,而且是动态的,所以规格书就不知道填什么,只好填dynamic. 在热升级需要知道模块的时候,即刻发消息现查询那些模块和这个进程相关。
%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: get_supervised_procs/0 %% Purpose: This is the magic function. It finds all process in %% the system and which modules they execute as a call_back or %% process module. %% This is achieved by asking the main supervisor for the %% applications for all children and their modules %% (recursively). %% NOTE: If a supervisor is suspended, it isn't possible to call %% which_children. Code change on a supervisor should be %% done in another way; the only code in a supervisor is %% code for starting children. Therefore, to change a %% supervisor module, we should load the new version, and then %% delete the old. Then we should perform the start changes %% manually, by adding/deleting children. %% Returns: [{SuperPid, ChildName, ChildPid, Mods}] %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% OTP-3452. For each application the first item contains the pid %% of the top supervisor, and the name of the supervisor call-back module. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- ... get_supervised_procs() -> ... get_procs(_, _Sup) -> []. get_dynamic_mods(Pid) -> {ok,Res} = gen:call(Pid, self(), get_modules), Res.
我们可以看到 release_handler会给透过gen模块给进程发送get_modules消息来获取相应的模块信息的, 这个消息就是 {From, Tag, get_modules} 。
... {From, Tag, get_modules} -> ?reply(get_modules(MSL)), loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug, false); ... %% Message from the release_handler. %% The list of modules got to be a set ! get_modules(MSL) -> Mods = [Handler#handler.module || Handler <- MSL], ordsets:to_list(ordsets:from_list(Mods)).
那我们再回到mochiweb,结合我们的问题来验证下。 先看下 mochiweb_socket_server.erl:294:
% this is what release_handler needs to get a list of modules, % since our supervisor modules list is set to 'dynamic' % see sasl- get_dynamic_mods handle_info({From, Tag, get_modules}, State = #mochiweb_socket_server{name={local,Mod}}) -> From ! {element(2,Tag), [Mod]}, {noreply, State}; % If fo-module(mochiweb_socket_server). r some reason we can't get the module name, send empty list to avoid release_handler timeout: handle_info({From, Tag, get_modules}, State) -> error_logger:info_msg("mochiweb_socket_server replying to dynamic modules request as '[]'~n",[]), From ! {element(2,Tag), []}, {noreply, State}; Mods = [Handler#handler.module || Handler <- MSL], ordsets:to_list(ordsets:from_list(Mods)). ?reply(get_modules(MSL)), loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug, false);
但是诸位会想,为什么要返回这个模块呢? 我们来看下如何使用mochiweb就明白了:
-module(keepalive). -export([ start/1, loop/1 ]). %% internal export (so hibernate can reach it) -export([ resume/3 ]). -define(LOOP, {?MODULE, loop}). start(Options = [{port, _Port}]) -> mochiweb_http:start([{name, ?MODULE}, {loop, ?LOOP} | Options]). ...
他传了{name, ?MODULE}进去,那么最终这个模块keepalive会被 mochiweb_socket_server.erl的get_modules获取的到。 也就是说升级的时候,升级模块要检查keepalive模块是否被变更了。 这就是整个dynamic设计的目的。
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鼓掌 谢谢老大的解释
要是碰到信息量比较大,处理会占用时间的东西,是不是大规模并发的能力也和C语言或者java差不多呢?因为这种情况下erlang的处理的流程 方式 是和c java 差不多的方式啊????
thank you yufeng,
i am going to push the appropriate changes to the dev branch today.
Yu Feng Reply:
August 29th, 2011 at 2:11 pm