
Posts Tagged ‘rebar’


November 4th, 2013 4 comments

原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自系统技术非业余研究

本文链接地址: Erlang取当前时间的瓶颈以及解决方案


1. erlang:now()
2. os:timestamp()


erlang:now 参看这里

now() -> Timestamp


Timestamp = timestamp()
timestamp() =
{MegaSecs :: integer() >= 0,
Secs :: integer() >= 0,
MicroSecs :: integer() >= 0}
Returns the tuple {MegaSecs, Secs, MicroSecs} which is the elapsed time since 00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970 (zero hour) on the assumption that the underlying OS supports this. Otherwise, some other point in time is chosen. It is also guaranteed that subsequent calls to this BIF returns continuously increasing values. Hence, the return value from now() can be used to generate unique time-stamps, and if it is called in a tight loop on a fast machine the time of the node can become skewed.

It can only be used to check the local time of day if the time-zone info of the underlying operating system is properly configured.

If you do not need the return value to be unique and monotonically increasing, use os:timestamp/0 instead to avoid some overhead.

os:timestamp 参看这里

timestamp() -> Timestamp


Timestamp = erlang:timestamp()
Timestamp = {MegaSecs, Secs, MicroSecs}
Returns a tuple in the same format as erlang:now/0. The difference is that this function returns what the operating system thinks (a.k.a. the wall clock time) without any attempts at time correction. The result of two different calls to this function is not guaranteed to be different.

The most obvious use for this function is logging. The tuple can be used together with the function calendar:now_to_universal_time/1 or calendar:now_to_local_time/1 to get calendar time. Using the calendar time together with the MicroSecs part of the return tuple from this function allows you to log timestamps in high resolution and consistent with the time in the rest of the operating system.




Disable compensation for sudden changes of system time.

Normally, erlang:now/0 will not immediately reflect sudden changes in the system time, in order to keep timers (including receive-after) working. Instead, the time maintained by erlang:now/0 is slowly adjusted towards the new system time. (Slowly means in one percent adjustments; if the time is off by one minute, the time will be adjusted in 100 minutes.)

When the +c option is given, this slow adjustment will not take place. Instead erlang:now/0 will always reflect the current system time. Note that timers are based on erlang:now/0. If the system time jumps, timers then time out at the wrong time.

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July 27th, 2013 1 comment

原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自系统技术非业余研究

本文链接地址: ms()用途浅析

比如mnesia就有这样的ms, 我们来看下:

$ erl
Erlang R17A (erts-5.11) [source-b7fbc28] [64-bit] [smp:16:16] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
Eshell V5.11  (abort with ^G)
1> mnesia:ms().




[do_some_thing(M) || M<-myapp:ms()]. 所以这就是ms的意义所在。 现在的问题是mnesia的代码是把ms的模块硬编码的,这样会带来一个维护的问题,比如添加,改名或者减少一个模块都要记得去修改这个列表,很麻烦。 [erlang] %mnesia.erl ms() -> [ mnesia, mnesia_backup, mnesia_bup, ... ]. [/erlang] 程序员是个很懒的群体,必定不会这么挫的,于是rebar就专门花了点力气把这个事情做的漂亮。 rebar在编译application的时候,会把src/的内容添加以下内容:

{modules,[mod_a, mod_b,…]}



AppVars = load_app_vars(Config1) ++ [{modules, ebin_modules()}],
ebin_modules() ->
    lists:sort([rebar_utils:beam_to_mod("ebin", N) ||
                   N <- rebar_utils:beams("ebin")]).

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Categories: Erlang探索, 源码分析 Tags: ,


October 19th, 2011 8 comments

原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自系统技术非业余研究

本文链接地址: rebar和common_test使用实践和疑惑澄清


rebar is an Erlang build tool that makes it easy to compile and
test Erlang applications, port drivers and releases.

rebar is a self-contained Erlang script, so it’s easy to distribute or even
embed directly in a project. Where possible, rebar uses standard Erlang/OTP
conventions for project structures, thus minimizing the amount of build
configuration work. rebar also provides dependency management, enabling
application writers to easily re-use common libraries from a variety of
locations (git, hg, etc).

common_test是Erlang强大的黑盒测试框架 参见这里

Common Test is a portable application for automated testing. It is suitable for black-box testing of target systems of
any type (i.e. not necessarily implemented in Erlang), as well as for white-box testing of Erlang/OTP programs. Blackbox
testing is performed via standard O&M interfaces (such as SNMP, HTTP, Corba, Telnet, etc) and, if required, via
user specific interfaces (often called test ports). White-box testing of Erlang/OTP programs is easily accomplished by
calling the target API functions directly from the test case functions. Common Test also integrates usage of the OTP
cover tool for code coverage analysis of Erlang/OTP programs.
Common Test executes test suite programs automatically, without operator interaction. Test progress and results is
printed to logs on HTML format, easily browsed with a standard web browser. Common Test also sends notifications
about progress and results via an OTP event manager to event handlers plugged in to the system. This way users can
integrate their own programs for e.g. logging, database storing or supervision with Common Test.
Common Test provides libraries that contain useful support functions to fill various testing needs and requirements.
There is for example support for flexible test declarations by means of so called test specifications. There is also
support for central configuration and control of multiple independent test sessions (towards different target systems)
running in parallel.
Common Test is implemented as a framework based on the OTP Test Server application.


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