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inet驱动新增加{active,N} socket选项

November 3rd, 2013 5 comments

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本文链接地址: inet驱动新增加{active,N} socket选项


{active, true | false | once}
If the value is true, which is the default, everything received from the socket will be sent as messages to the receiving process. If the value is false (passive mode), the process must explicitly receive incoming data by calling gen_tcp:recv/2,3 or gen_udp:recv/2,3 (depending on the type of socket).

If the value is once ({active, once}), one data message from the socket will be sent to the process. To receive one more message, setopts/2 must be called again with the {active, once} option.

When using {active, once}, the socket changes behaviour automatically when data is received. This can sometimes be confusing in combination with connection oriented sockets (i.e. gen_tcp) as a socket with {active, false} behaviour reports closing differently than a socket with {active, true} behaviour. To make programming easier, a socket where the peer closed and this was detected while in {active, false} mode, will still generate the message {tcp_closed,Socket} when set to {active, once} or {active, true} mode. It is therefore safe to assume that the message {tcp_closed,Socket}, possibly followed by socket port termination (depending on the exit_on_close option) will eventually appear when a socket changes back and forth between {active, true} and {active, false} mode. However, when peer closing is detected is all up to the underlying TCP/IP stack and protocol.

Note that {active,true} mode provides no flow control; a fast sender could easily overflow the receiver with incoming messages. Use active mode only if your high-level protocol provides its own flow control (for instance, acknowledging received messages) or the amount of data exchanged is small. {active,false} mode or use of the {active, once} mode provides flow control; the other side will not be able send faster than the receiver can read.

效率最高的当然是{active, true}方式,因为这种实现一个链接只一次epoll_ctl把socket的读事件挂上去,但是这种方式有致命的缺点。因为收到的包是通过消息的方式来通知我们的,完全是异步的。在正常情况下,没啥问题,但是如果我们的服务面对互联网就有很大的风险,如果遭受攻击的时候,对端发送大量的数据包的时候,我们的系统就会异步收到大量的消息,可能会超过我们的进程处理能力。最要命的是,我们无法让包停止下来,最后的结局就是我们的服务器因为缺少内存crash了。所以在实践中,我们都会用{active,once}方式来控制包的接收频率,这样避免了安全的问题,但是带来了性能的问题。每次设定{active,once}都意味着调用一次epoll_ctl。 如果strace我们的程序会发现有大量的epoll_ctl调用,基本上每秒达到QPS的数量。还有个问题也加剧了这个性能退化:erlang只有一个线程会收割epoll_wait事件,如果大量的ctl时间阻塞了事件的收割,网络处理的能力会大大下降。未来的版本官方计划会支持多个线程收割,但是现在还不行。


inet driver add {active,N} socket option for TCP, UDP, and SCTP


{active, true}有安全问题, {active, once}太慢, {active,N}我们一次设定来收N个消息包,摊薄epoll_ctl的代价,这样就可以大大缓解性能的压力。
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