
Posts Tagged ‘application’


August 29th, 2013 Comments off

原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自系统技术非业余研究

本文链接地址: application配置文件和热升级

前面我们一直说过erlang是以app为单位来组织程序,数据,配置等信息,让这些信息聚合在一起成为一个整体,设计上和unix系统一模一样。 那app的配置信息存在哪里呢?

1. .app文件里面的env字段, 通常是, 具体参见这里
2. .config文件,通常是sys.config,具体参见这里
3. 命令行 erl -ApplName Par1 Val1 … ParN ValN 具体参见这里


7.8 Configuring an Application

An application can be configured using configuration parameters. These are a list of {Par, Val} tuples specified by a key env in the .app file.

{application, ch_app,
[{description, “Channel allocator”},
{vsn, “1”},
{modules, [ch_app, ch_sup, ch3]},
{registered, [ch3]},
{applications, [kernel, stdlib, sasl]},
{mod, {ch_app,[]}},
{env, [{file, “/usr/local/log”}]}
Par should be an atom, Val is any term. The application can retrieve the value of a configuration parameter by calling application:get_env(App, Par) or a number of similar functions, see application(3)


A configuration file contains values for configuration parameters for the applications in the system. The erl command line argument -config Name tells the system to use data in the system configuration file Name.config.

Configuration parameter values in the configuration file will override the values in the application resource files (see app(4)). The values in the configuration file can be overridden by command line flags (see erl(1)).

The value of a configuration parameter is retrieved by calling application:get_env/1,2.


The values in the .app file, as well as the values in a system configuration file, can be overridden directly from the command line:

% erl -ApplName Par1 Val1 … ParN ValN

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August 18th, 2013 Comments off

原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自系统技术非业余研究

本文链接地址: application之染色特性分析和应用


Screen Shot 2013-08-18 at 3.22.01 PM

每个app里面都会有很多进程,这些进程为这个app负责,会有些共同特性。那么这些进程如何区分出来属于哪个app的呢?就像我们伟大的祖国,有56个民族一样,这些民族都有自己的文化、服饰,甚至相貌,一看就和其他族群不太一样。他们的基因里面就携带了某种东西,这些东西子子孙孙传下去,一直保持下去。那么同样的,每个app里面的进程就和我们人,一样也会生老病死,也会有生命周期。他们是靠什么来识别的呢? 典型的application里面有很多层次的进程,通常成树状,和我们人类的组织差不多,见下图:

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which_applications() -> [{Application, Description, Vsn}]
Returns a list with information about the applications which are currently running. Application is the application name. Description and Vsn are the values of its description and vsn application specification keys, respectively.


1> application:which_applications().
[{os_mon,”CPO CXC 138 46″,”2.2.9″},
{sasl,”SASL CXC 138 11″,”2.2.1″},
{stdlib,”ERTS CXC 138 10″,”1.18.3″},
{kernel,”ERTS CXC 138 10″,”2.15.3″}]


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