August 23rd, 2009
原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自系统技术非业余研究
本文链接地址: 系统标准库的hipe支持(高级)
前篇文章http://mryufeng.javaeye.com/blog/428845 讲述了如何启用erlang hipe支持,但是用户程序大量依赖的标准库如stdlib, kernel等默认都不是native模式的, 所以我们的程序虽然启用了hipe,但是只是部分启用了。用oprofile等工具可以看到我们的程序还是在process_main(虚拟机的代码解释 在这里)里面打转。 我们来个极致的,通通hipe化。
1. 在编译otp_src的时候 export ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS=’+native +”{hipe, [o3]}”‘ 但是这个方案有个问题就是
native方式是和beam的模式有关的 如beam和beam.smp它的代码是不同的,但是所有的beam又公用一套库,这样只能舍弃一个了。所以这个方案就比较麻烦。
# erl Erlang R13B01 (erts-5.7.2) [source][/source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [rq:8] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false] Eshell V5.7.2 (abort with ^G) 1> %%没问题 #erl -smp disable <HiPE (v 3.7.2)> Warning: not loading native code for module fib: it was compiled for an incompatible runtime system; please regenerate native code for this runtime system .... Erlang R13B01 (erts-5.7.2) [source][/source] [64-bit] [rq:1] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false] Eshell V5.7.2 (abort with ^G) 1>
这个也可以通过修改 alias erl=erl -smp disable 以便欺骗编译器生成单cpu模式的beam
2. 动态编译, 等系统运行起来以后,动态把相关的模块编译一遍,这个思路看起来最简单。
我做了个原型 证明这样是可行的。。。
# cat hi.erl
-module(hi). -export([do/0]). do()-> [ turn(M, P)|| {M, P} <-code:all_loaded(), P=/=preloaded]. turn(M, P) -> P1 = binary_to_list(iolist_to_binary(re:replace(filename:join(filename:dirname(P), filename:basename(P, ".beam")), "ebin", "src"))), L = M:module_info(), COpts = get_compile_options(L), COpts1 = lists:foldr(fun({K, V}, Acc) when is_list(V) and is_integer(hd(V)) ->[{K, tr(V)}] ++ Acc ; (Skip, Acc) -> Acc ++ [Skip] end, [], COpts), c:c(P1, COpts1 ++ [native, "{hipe, [o3]}"]). tr(P)-> binary_to_list(iolist_to_binary(re:replace(P, "/net/isildur/ldisk/daily_build/otp_prebuild_r13b01.2009-06-07_20/", "/home/yufeng/"))). %%%这个地方要根据实际情况调整 具体的参看 m(lists). get_compile_options(L) -> case get_compile_info(L, options) of {ok,Val} -> Val; error -> [] end. get_compile_info(L, Tag) -> case lists:keysearch(compile, 1, L) of {value, {compile, I}} -> case lists:keysearch(Tag, 1, I) of {value, {Tag, Val}} -> {ok,Val}; false -> error end; false -> error end.
#erl -nostick Erlang R13B01 (erts-5.7.2) [source][/source][/source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [rq:8] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false] Eshell V5.7.2 (abort with ^G) 1> mnesia:start(). %启动我们的应用程序 ok 2> hi:do(). [{ok,io}, {ok,erl_distribution}, {ok,edlin}, {ok,error_handler}, {ok,io_lib}, {ok,hi}, {ok,filename}, {ok,orddict}, {ok,gb_sets}, {ok,inet_db}, {ok,inet}, {ok,ordsets}, {ok,group}, {ok,gen}, {ok,erl_scan}, {ok,kernel}, {ok,erl_eval}, {ok,ets}, {ok,lists}, {ok,sets}, {ok,inet_udp}, {ok,code}, {ok,ram_file}, {ok,dict}, {ok,packages}, {ok,gen_event}, {ok,heart}, {ok,...}, {...}|...] 3> m(dict). Module dict compiled: Date: August 23 2009, Time: 17.20 Compiler options: [{cwd,"/home/yufeng/otp_src_R13B01/lib/stdlib/src"}, {outdir,"/home/yufeng/otp_src_R13B01/lib/stdlib/src/../ebin"}, {i,"/home/yufeng/otp_src_R13B01/lib/stdlib/src/../include"}, {i,"/home/yufeng/otp_src_R13B01/lib/stdlib/src/../../kernel/include"}, debug_info,<span style="color: red;">native,"{hipe, [o3]}"</span>] Object file: /home/yufeng/otp_src_R13B01/lib/stdlib/src/../ebin/dict.beam
不过编译过程中有几个模块是有点问题, 得改进下。
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alias erl=”erl -smp disable”
export ERLC_EMULATOR=”erl -smp disable”
it rocks!
这个操作 http://avindev.javaeye.com/blog/82560
c(test_list, [native,{hipe,[o3]}]).
R13B02 stdlib hipe before:
1> test_list:main().
Concat Duration 390ms
Flatten Duration 938ms
Append tail Duration 622ms
Append header Duration 85ms
R13B02 stdlib hipe after:
1> test_list:main().
Concat Duration 146ms
Flatten Duration 736ms
Append tail Duration 222ms
Append header Duration 53ms