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本文链接地址: Flashcache使用的误区以及解决方案
flashcache是facebook释放出来的开源的混合存储方案,用ssd来做cache提升IO设备的性能.很多硬件厂商也有类似的方案,比如说LSI raid卡. 但是这个方案是免费的软件方案,而且经过产品的考验,具体参见:
开源混合存储方案(Flashcache): http://blog.yufeng.info/archives/1165
Flashcache新版重大变化: http://blog.yufeng.info/archives/1429
Introduction :
Flashcache is a write back block cache Linux kernel module. This
document describes the design, futures ideas, configuration, tuning of
the flashcache and concludes with a note covering the testability
hooks within flashcache and the testing that we did. Flashcache was
built primarily as a block cache for InnoDB but is general purpose and
can be used by other applications as well.
flashcache把内部的cache空间分成很多set, 是以set而不是整体为单位提供cache以及flush后备操作. 也就是说当一个set里面的dirty page达到一个预设的值的时候,就需要把这么dirty page 淘汰并且flush到后备设备去,以便腾出空间给更热的数据使用。
To compute the target set for a given dbn
target set = (dbn / block size / set size) mod (number of sets)
Once we have the target set, linear probe within the set finds the
block. Note that a sequential range of disk blocks will all map onto a
given set.
set默认是 512*4k = 2M大小,也就是说如果你的这个set刚好是一个文件所在的块,而且每次这个文件都不停的顺序写,很快这个set都变成dirty, 那么flashcache就选择马上刷,这样加速效果就没有了。
见https://github.com/facebook/flashcache/blob/master/doc/flashcache-sa-guide.txt 中的章节Tuning Sequential IO Skipping for better flashcache performance
Skip (don’t cache) sequential IO larger than this number (in kb).
0 (default) means cache all IO, both sequential and random.
Sequential IO can only be determined ‘after the fact’, so
this much of each sequential I/O will be cached before we skip
the rest. Does not affect searching for IO in an existing cache.
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不错,正好可以试试效果。最近发现同样是4K的block size,在相同的测试环境下,XFS的表现比EXT3好了不少,准备用blktracek看看他们的I/O到底有什么不同。
“set默认是 512*4k = 2M大小,也就是说如果你的这个set刚好是一个文件所在的块,而且每次这个文件都不停的顺序写,很快这个set都变成dirty, 那么flashcache就选择马上刷,这样加速效果就没有了”
这个解释不对的吧? hash时连续的两个block会映射到相邻的set里吧,而不是同一个set。
niko Reply:
June 30th, 2013 at 9:55 pm
my mistake, sorry….
Note that a sequential range of disk blocks will all map onto a given set.
哥们,我如果把这个target set = (dbn / block size / set size) mod (number of sets) 算法改掉,改成同一个文件会映射到相邻的set里,你觉得怎么样。我的应用场景会有比较多的顺序IO,而且有些文件比较大(可能大于100M)
jesuszhu Reply:
August 12th, 2014 at 10:15 pm