EEP 36: Line numbers in exceptions
April 2nd, 2011
原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自系统技术非业余研究
EEP 36: Line numbers in exceptions:
初学Erlang的人估计都有这个困惑,程序异常的时候打印堆栈不假,但是只打出函数名,如果模块很长的话,很难找到具体发生异常的点,通常再通过打日志的方式来定位,非常的低效无聊。有人开玩笑说是Erlang鼓励写短函数和模块. 我曾经想了个方法解决这个问题, 见 这里 , 但不是完美的方案。
EEP 36则是从编译器直接搞定这个问题,会爽很多, 我们看下他的效果:
-module(example). -export([m/1]). -include("header.hrl"). m(L) -> {ok,lists:map(fun f/1, L)}. %Line 6 %%and the header file header.hrl: f(X) -> abs(X) + 1. %Line 2 %%Using R14B01 to call our example module, we get the following result: 1> example:m([-1,0,1,2]). {ok,[2,1,2,3]} 2> example:m([-1,0,1,2,not_a_number]). ** exception error: bad argument in function abs/1 called as abs(not_a_number) in call from example:f/1 in call from lists:map/2 in call from lists:map/2 in call from example:m/1 3> catch example:m([-1,0,1,2,not_a_number]). {'EXIT',{badarg,[{erlang,abs,[not_a_number]}, {example,f,1}, {lists,map,2}, {lists,map,2}, {example,m,1}, {erl_eval,do_apply,5}, {erl_eval,expr,5}, {shell,exprs,7}]}}
1> example:m([-1,0,1,2]). {ok,[2,1,2,3]} 2> example:m([-1,0,1,2,not_a_number]). ** exception error: bad argument in function abs/1 called as abs(not_a_number) in call from example:f/1 (header.hrl, line 2) in call from lists:map/2 (lists.erl, line 948) in call from lists:map/2 (lists.erl, line 948) in call from example:m/1 (example.erl, line 6) 3> catch example:m([-1,0,1,2,not_a_number]). {'EXIT',{badarg,[{erlang,abs,[not_a_number],[]}, {example,f,1,[{file,"header.hrl"},{line,2}]}, {lists,map,2,[{file,"lists.erl"},{line,948}]}, {lists,map,2,[{file,"lists.erl"},{line,948}]}, {example,m,1,[{file,"example.erl"},{line,6}]}, {erl_eval,do_apply,5,[{file,"erl_eval.erl"},{line,482}]}, {erl_eval,expr,5,[{file,"erl_eval.erl"},{line,276}]}, {shell,exprs,7,[{file,"shell.erl"},{line,666}]}]}}
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Status: Final/R15B Proposal is implemented in OTP release R15B
R15B 已经支持, 我在windows 下试验也可以, 但是我在linux 好像没看到, 明天确认一下是不是版本太低了。